Captain Zero
Captain Zero: Into the Abyss Part II is an Animated Short Film about an amateur teen superhero who begins experiencing a series of blackouts which he discovers is caused by his Depression demon--A physical manifestation of all his deep seated insecurities. And now, in order to defeat this demon and stop the blackouts he must be willing to confront his worst nemesis-Himself.
Keith David, Angelica Ross, Z Cher-Aimé
Zolee Griggs, Coty Galloway, Marion Toro & Jazz Walker
Captain Zero: The Movie is a feature animated film framed through the therapy sessions of Xerxes Hughes. An anxiety-riddled high school senior who must put a stop to a homicidal cyber stalker named W.Z.R.D. who's hellbent on destroying his life, all while trying to confront his inner demon.
Keith David, Gary LeRoi Gray, Angelica Ross, Z Cher-Aimé, Zolee Griggs, Nandi Nfr Ka, Blue Telusma, Trace Lysette, Coty Galloway, Marion Toro & Jazz Walker
Framed through his therapy sessions Xerxes Hughes, a social media obsessed teenager who must uncover the cause of his random blackouts to stop his depression demon--a physical manifestation of all his deep seeded insecurities in order to save his city and himself!
Our goal for CaptainZzero is to create a gripping narrative with a timely, heartfelt message. And that message is that every person has the potential to be a hero. Even if the life saved is their own.
If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues or suicidal thoughts please call the suicide prevention hotline. The lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.